vendredi 25 avril 2008

Road to 0.8.0

Hi everybody some news from the front ! There are some new functions on the way and I proud to say " Jukebox3D will rock your ass" ;)

- Modular engine and cover engine.
- Manage local and network covers, you can now choose where jukebox3D will search your covers.
* Internet + Local
* Local + Internet
* Internet only
* Local only
- New collection browsing modes "odyssey" and "classic".(*)
- Options windows more and more user friendly and smart ( revamp and adding some counters ).
- Fullscreen management.
- Systray notifications.
- Remote controlling in systray.
- many more ..

(*): Classic mode will replace the actual browsing mode, it is the same thing but now multiple songs from the same album will not be displayed multiple times.

mardi 8 avril 2008

Love this little things

If you take only direct features for the nickname, she's gonna be mad .

lundi 7 avril 2008

joke !!

Someone have found some vista source code !

dimanche 6 avril 2008

Check me out !

Hi !
Mpd Db management is now well implemented into jukebox3D.

One thing is missing, it's the internal playlist drag'n'drop for ordering it.

Some features on the way ( may be all will not be implemented for 0.7.0 ).
- Mpd management with drag 'n' drop.
- Fullscreen management.
- 3D cover depth management for avoid album repeating for songs of a same album.
- Line spacing and over text settings like fonts.
- Review animation engine and make it more powerfull :).
- extend covers engine with local covers management and internet query settings.
- ...

I hope you will enjoy like me the new features coming!

jeudi 3 avril 2008

Road to 0.7.0

I have start to implement the mpd db management into jukebox3D, soon you will be able to manage your mpd playlist directly from options.

You can see a little screen here showing entire mpd database, the empty browser at right will receive the current playlist.

In the futur I hope I will support more player than mpd, but for the moment no one offer entire db management through dbus or other api.

At least for the one that doesn't support this, i can only enable current playing with no 'a la' cover flow browsing.

Sad day